Dusty is made out of 3,5 sheets of 6 millimetre thick Birch plywood plates.
The original 3D model is cut into five parts, and each part is like a 3D print file sliced again.
Each piece is numbered and positioned for 2D milling on a Zünd machine.
Afterwards all 148 pieces are sorted and glued together into the five parts. Everything is shaped by hand.
By combining crafts and computer technology, Donders manages to optimize the material use and its position
to assure the strength and to decrease the weight to 5,8 kilos. In doing so, he realizes a more cost-efficient
and shorter in production-time than on a traditional 5 axis milling. Moreover less material is wasted.
Due to his fascination with the leading Belgian Art Nouveau architect Victor Horta, Donders’ creations feature
organic lines and serene shapes. In combination with the plywood layers they give the chair its exiting aesthetic and harmonious look.
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